/ projects overview

We gratefully acknowledge our funders:

European Union grants:

European Research Council

ERC Starting Grant #757700 HYPER-INSIGHT "Insight into genome maintenance and cancer vulnerabilities provided by an extreme burden of somatic mutations"

1,5 million € funding to GenomeDataLab

more on HYPER-INSIGHT >>>

EU Horizon2020 programme

DECIDER "Clinical Decision via Integrating Multiple Data Levels to Overcome Chemotherapy Resistance in High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer"

1 million € funding to GenomeDataLab

read more on DECIDER >>>

HorizonEurope programme

LUCIA "Understanding Lung Cancer Related Risk Factors and Their Impact"

1,4 million € funding to GenomeDataLab

more on LUCIA at CORDIS >>>

(upcoming) ERC Consolidator Grant STRUCTOMATIC "Mutational processes and impact of structural variants in human somatic cells"

2,0 million € funding to GenomeDataLab

read more on STRUCTOMATIC >>> (coming soon)

Funding from charitable foundations:

Coordinating "la Caixa" foundation-funded project "POTENT-IMMUNO: Potentiating cancer immunotherapy by inhibiting the NMD quality-control pathway guided by genetic markers".

1,0 million € funding total, 0.5 M € to GenomeDataLab

Performed in collaboration with the Cancer Biology lab of dr. Ana Janić at the MELIS-UPF in Barcelona. Read more about this project >>>

Spanish government:

Lab core funding and a FPI student fellowship are funded by the Severo Ochoa centre of excellence award to the IRB Barcelona.

The Spanish Government Ministry of Science and Innovation, via the grants BFU2017-89833-P "RegioMut" (2018-2021) and "REPAIRSCAPE" (2021-2024).

read more on REPAIRSCAPE here >>>

We also gratefully acknowledge support of the Spanish government via a FPU student fellowship (to ms. Marina Salvadores), as well as via the Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship (to drs. Ivan Galvan and Aleix Bayona).

Catalan government:

Fran Supek is tenured via the ICREA Research Professor program.

AGAUR Catalan research agency for SGR group funding and FI PhD fellowships (to Guillem Palou and to Elizaveta Besedina).

International grants:

Fran Supek is supported by the EMBO Young Investigator programme

Croatian Science Foundation, via grant "AIGEN: Augmented intelligence for prediction, discovery and understanding in (pharmaco)genomics"

“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” ― Carl Sagan